Tag Archives: ha’ sonnet

walk of shame

Naughty wombat
been up all night,
look where you’re at
in broad daylight!
You’ve none to blame.
This walk of shame
is all your fault.



Wombats are nocturnal, so I was surprised to see this one crossing the road at about 0800 recently. I think it must have been visiting at the nearby wombat sanctuary.


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daffodil tete a tete

The first of my tete a tete daffodils has just opened! Spring must be very close indeed, even though there was a brief flurry of snow in Canberra on the weekend.  So here is a celebratory ha’ sonnet. 



A tete a tete
with daffodils,
“Well met! Well met!”
their greeting fills
me with delight,
and hope, despite
so grey a day.




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blessedly silent relic

A ha’sonnet for Stephen, and his infernal cicadas  😀 


Cicada case,
still clinging tight,
through summer days,
through longest night –
you outlasted
noisy bastard
that flew from you.


There’s a cicada case on a tree in my chicken coop. It was a lucky insect to make it above chicken height and escape, and I guess it’s left-over case has some of that tenacity.



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pretty mice all in a row

I dug the ground, I planted seed,
in the night, mice came to feed.
I bought more seed, planted again,
and in the night, yet more mice came.
Now I’m out of seed, and I’m out of nice,
I’ve laid the traps, and I’m planting mice.
and once I’ve planted a nice long row,
above the mice my seeds will grow.

and in ha’sonnet form for Stephen, here is the next episode:

I planted seed
all in a row.
The mice did feed,
no seed did grow.
Now planting mice
in rows all nice,
to feed the seed.


There is currently a mouse plague in western NSW. It’s not as bad here, but there are a lot more than usual. 


Filed under gardening, poem

T1’s Llama ha’sonnet

My twins are doing poetry in English at the moment, and they have to put together an anthology of their own poems, as well as analysing some poems.  This is a ha’sonnet Twin 1 (T1) wrote about our neighbour’s llamas, Devil (black) and Ghost (white), shown here lurking by moonlight:

Two llamas lurk
one dark, one light,
but both berserk,
gave mum a fright.
With stick-man legs
and big tall heads,
they make me laugh.



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Monday morning ha’sonnet: WFH

does have some good
for how else could
I sleep ‘til eight,
have breakfast late
and be on time! Continue reading


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sunday afternoon ha’ sonnet

A leafy nook,
a glass of wine,
throw in a book
for time that’s mine.
I’ve gone to ground,
hope I’m not found
when the kids look.


It’s starting to feel like the school holidays are never going to end! 

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Sunday morning ha’sonnet – “live free or die”

Live free or die
sounds heroic,
but please for my
sake be stoic –
don’t make me ask,
put on your mask.
Don’t choose for me. Continue reading


Filed under poem, rants

broad beans

Tucked up so tight
in softest down,
a darling sight!
So green and round!
Too sweet they look
for me to cook.
I’ll eat them raw.


Filed under gardening, poem

Sunday morning summer ha’sonnets I

The cicada
song fills the air, Continue reading


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