Monthly Archives: January 2021

in-flight entertainment

For dVerse’s MTB Opening lines…beginnings prompt:


I didn’t think to fold my shadow
and place it in the overhead compartment,
or under the seat in front.
It should have been mentioned
in the pre-flight warnings. Continue reading


Filed under musings, poem

2300, still 30C / back of the envelope

dragged from sleep by the heat,
the still air drowning me, Continue reading


Filed under musings, poem

go stand in the corner Vanessa

This is a response to The sound of one hand typing’s “go stand in the corner” prompt:

Times are hard in quarantine,
harder than I’ve ever seen –
the vegan food’s not vegan enough,
and washing my own hair!? That’s rough!

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Filed under poem, rants

sunday afternoon ha’ sonnet

A leafy nook,
a glass of wine,
throw in a book
for time that’s mine.
I’ve gone to ground,
hope I’m not found
when the kids look.


It’s starting to feel like the school holidays are never going to end! 

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…the view from outside.

For the other part of Frank’s double challenge this week: “Democracy”

The neighbours listen
to the screams and banging of
domestic violence
coming from the home of the
self-proclaimed world’s policeman.

The democracy show

The world is watching,
voyeurs, eagerly waiting
for episode 2.


Filed under musings, poem


For Frank’s Haikai Challenge #172 (1/3/21): first sun (hatsuhi):

Light pours from the sky,
flooding the land, and rising
to come flowing through
the window, drowning my dreams
in a blaze of light and heat.



Filed under poem

…and there were lilies: V. Christmas

A haibun this time (prose + haiku), but no photo because I don’t grow this type of lily. They’re a formosan lily or Taiwan lily, but we’ve always just called them Christmas lilies because they bloom around Christmas all along the coastal roads of NSW.  Continue reading

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Filed under musings, poem

…and there were lilies: IV. choir

A choir of colour,
they raise their heads and open
their mouths to shout out
a hallelujah chorus
of silent, deafening joy. Continue reading

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Filed under gardening, poem

…and there were lilies: III. Lady Alice

Lady Alice has recurved or reflexed petals, like the tigers. But is too refined to be in the same tub, and would never admit to being closely related to them. 

Lady Alice bobs
a curtsey to the breeze, and
turns her petals up –
a reflex she cannot help
when embarrassed by the bees.

This series of “…and there were lilies” poems is an epilogue to “jubilate lilium (let there be lilies”)


Filed under gardening, poem

…and there were lilies: II. Anastacia

In the same bathtub as the tigers, are some oriental lilies, including Anastacia. Anastacia has a lovely scent, very sweet, and beautiful pink blush and freckles. But she seemed a bit over-awed by the tigers, so I brought her inside for safety. 

So pretty in pink,
Anastacia cowers from
the grinning tigers,
orange against jungle green,
recurving talons readied. Continue reading


Filed under gardening, poem