Monthly Archives: July 2023

remember when the drought broke?

For the dVerse Monday quadrille prompt “pouring out our poems“. A quadrille is exactly 44 words, and for this prompt had to contain the word water.  


Remember when the drought broke?
How we followed the gully
down from the house to the waterfall place
overflowing with the laughter, relief –
the dry years’ strain and restraint
discarded with our clothes
in the recklessness of water,
the profligacy of the flood?


February 2022, between the bushfires and COVID. 


Filed under poem

Imayo: stones

Down by the edge of the stream, my son looks for stones
to put in our pockets and, when forgotten, to
be found again and tumbled – rolled in our hands like
the water rolls them here, in this mountain stream.
I point to one that I like, matt grey and rounded
as a miniature boulder, he brings it to me
where I wait on the pathway, then clambers back down
to choose a stone for himself, and send it skipping.

For the dVerse prompt “MTB Rocking the Imayo“, which Laura explain as:

“–The Imayo* – and this is its structure:

  • 4 lines (8 lines permissible)
  • 12 syllables per line divided as7/5
  • make a pause space between the 7 and 5 syllables
  • use comma, caesura or kireji (cutting word) as the pause
  • no rhymes
  • no meter
  • no end of line pauses – the whole should flow together as though one long sentence”

The prompt also required the poem to be about a stone or rock, and a literal one – no metaphors! 

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Filed under poem