Tag Archives: beach

one perfect moment (with fish)

Silver fish flashing,
a thousand bright darts rising
in a green-glass wave,
scattering, none touch, but the
wave pats my head in passing.


Filed under poem

just one more

From a current and long past 30C summer day in Australia, a response to the dVerse quadrille prompt “shivering“:


Swaddled by the oven-breath air,
but shivering,
lips pale against sunburned skin,
we stare out to sea,
asking for “just one more”
“please, just one more”
as we watch the rollers
waiting for the perfect
XXX swell
to carry us to shore.


When we went to the beach when I was a kid, which we did a lot, we’d stay in the water until we were freezing – which actually didn’t take that long in the cold waters off the south coast of Australia, even on the hottest day. My mother would have to yell at us to get out of the water because our lips were turning blue and she could see us shivering.  The water is a lot warmer along the east coast where I swim and body surf with my kids now, but they still usually have to be told to come out. 


Filed under poem

elementals III: ray

A dark shadow flies towards me –
too fast, too much intent
for another clump of seaweed.

Passing close, the ray pays me no heed,
as it soars below, rippling as it sweeps past. Continue reading


Filed under poem