c’est la fucking vie

Yesterday morning, in the middle of a two hour face-to-face tutorial, my students told me Canberra was going into lockdown at 1700.  So, after tute, I checked in with my team, reset a bunch of stuff on my course site to 2020 version, emailed all my students, then looked around my office to decide what to take home… instant curries from the filing cabinet, a couple of textbooks, the fruit sitting on my desk… and, oh yes, my “little box of fucks” (for when you have none left to give – thank you B_ for that thoughtful gift)…  Grabbed my stuff, collected kids from school, and got home just in time to run my 1600 to 1800 tute online.  (sigh). 

Hence this, in mirrored refrain form for the Thursday dVerse prompt

C’est la fucking vie,
Here we go again…
and we retreat into our homes,
as another lockdown descends.

We bunker down inside, while
outside the virus roams,
as another lockdown descends
and we retreat into our homes.

All-day PJs, work-from-home hair,
and we wonder if this will ever end….
and we retreat into our homes,
as another lockdown descends.

At least in Teams we can click mics off,
so no one hears our groans,
as another lockdown descends
and we retreat into our homes.

Lectures online, tutorials too,
Lab kits via snail-mail are sent,
and we retreat into our homes,
as another lockdown descends.

Hugs and kisses sent through the aether,
now we’re each again alone,
as another lockdown descends
and we retreat into our homes.

Of course, I’d rather be locked down than seriously sick. I’m happy to trade a bit of “freedom to” for “freedom from” if it’s freedom from dying, or watching a family member die. Living in a society is inevitably a compromise between one person’s “freedom to” and another person’s “freedom from”, and you don’t have to look far afield to see the results of excessive “freedom to”. I applaud the ACT government’s decision to lockdown hard and fast, no matter how much I’d prefer to be in the classroom than online. 


Filed under poem, rants

29 responses to “c’est la fucking vie

  1. The title is PERFECT: “c’est la fucking vie.” This poem is also perfect, it speaks so clearly about these pent up, bottled feelings about lockdowns and isolation.

    I feel like if people took the pandemic more seriously from the start, maybe it wouldn’t have pervaded like this. I don’t know, but it’s deeply upsetting that there is more isolation upcoming. I am not sure about my area, but I wouldn’t be too fucking surprised if there’s another lockdown since the south is slow on the uptake. We’re expecting surges of the virus between now and late fall. :/

    “Of course, I’d rather be locked down than seriously sick. I’m happy to trade a bit of “freedom to” for “freedom from” if it’s freedom from dying, or watching a family member die.”

    Same. I’m just tired of all the isolation, but safety comes first and foremost. ❤

    • Thanks Lucy! And agreed – if it was taken a bit more seriously, vaccines rolled out more quickly, proper lockdowns and not an exemption for every man and his dog to travel, we wouldn’t be in this situation… I’m supposed to be finally getting my first vaccine dose in 9 days, after registering on the waitlist when it opened in June. I’m just hoping I can still get it.

  2. I can hear you! We went through a long lockdown last year and then one again this year in April-May.
    Isolation is getting me too but I would rather not court sickness.

  3. It says it all really. Even here in Canberra, where we’ve had a pretty good run, it doesn’t stop us being sick of the whole thing. Tony Burke and Penny Wong did some brilliant speaking in Parliament. Really laying down the gauntlet. I know it’s easier to be critical than to actually do the job but I find it hard to think of arguments to what they said.

  4. back to front
    when will it end
    not soon enough
    for sure

  5. Going to be one of my favorites!!!! [ c’est la fucking vie ]

  6. writingwhatnots

    Deja f***ing vu?

  7. You capture the frustration well. Like Helen, this may become one of my new go-to expressions. Glad to hear you’re finally able to get your vaccine.

  8. I dread another lockdown but such is the life that we now have. But I am happy so far that we in Canada are faring along with the vaccination %.

    • The Australian government has been too complacent about vaccines, because we haven’t had a lot of cases before now. Now with the delta variant that’s changing rapidly. So they’re running an advertising campaign telling people to get vaccinated. Which would be fine, if they were actually available…

  9. Great title! Despite the tiresomeness of the situation, I enjoyed your poem, Kate 🙂 Totally relatable. Though everything is back open in the UK. For now…

  10. That’s a great blog and poem. Ah the joys of lockdown eh! Brilliant.Loved it.

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