rabbit food

dVerse is back! Yay! Here is my quadrille for Monday’s “let’s celebrate” quadrille prompt.


No alcohol, no curries,
or it kicks me in its sleep.
No coffee, no tonic-water or
it races, stumbles in a heap.
I’m trying to take care
of this rabbit in my chest –
no champagne for me,
a celebratory carrot is the best.


Filed under poem

21 responses to “rabbit food

  1. Whatever helps! Enjoy that carrot! And thank you for celebrating with us.

  2. Yes, it is the best. Celebrate what makes you happy and content.
    Thanks for joining in our celebration.

  3. Loved your poem celebrating healthy living. Great images in your poem.

  4. Celebratory carrot seems like an oxymoron. But if it makes you happy, that’s all that matters

  5. A crunchy carrot can be arranged! 🥕 Cheers to feeling good!! 💖

  6. sanaarizvi

    I ll join you for some celebratory carrots! 😀 Cheers!

  7. Physician, know thyself. Keep your bunny happy and healthy.

  8. oh, no, Kate! no alcohol, curries, or coffee? I don’t want that rabbit anywhere near me! 😀

    much love,

  9. Um….not sure about that! Lovely witty verse…

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