Tag Archives: rain

as above

The giving grey sky
has sprinkled its final benediction
over the greening fields,
and now the still pools
mirror the changing heavens –
brightening from tarnished zinc
to burnished blue.


Filed under poem

let the clouds roll in

Let the clouds roll in, shrinking the world down around us
to just this valley, tucked among the hills,
to just this clearing in the forest,
to just this house, Continue reading


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my creek runneth over

Rain, rain came to stay,20200809_091004
no-one’s going out today.
The creek’s too high,
to pass on by,
so we’ll all stay
at home. Hooray!



120mm in about 36 hours! I hope there’s more so I don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow either. I love having a good excuse to just stay home and potter around. (Thank you YV council for being completely incapable of building an adequate bridge.) And every tank except the main house tank is now full, and that’s at 3/4 for the first time in a couple of years. And the dam is overflowing again…   

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Filed under poem


10th Feb 2020, when the drought broke:

Follow me:
downhill from the
overflowing dam,
clambering over rocks
and fallen trees
to the waterfall place. Continue reading


Filed under poem