Tag Archives: sea

sea cravings / 100 miles inland II

Some mornings,
waking to hear the wind in the trees
roaring like breakers,
I smell the sea,
until the sun warms the trees
infusing eucalyptus into the tepid-tea air,
reminding me
that we are one hundred miles inland.
Yet still salt calls to salt.

Written for the dVerse Monday quadrille prompt, “let’s get salty” – 44 words exactly, using the word salt. 


Filed under poem

night swimmer

I am not a snowflake
nor a goddess
nor something between.
I am…
on that scale.

I am…
a swimmer in the darkness
not drowning (yet)
not waving (ever)
just swimming,
further and further into the darkness,
trailing phosphorescence from my fingertips,
like eddies of starlight,
as yet
of whether to turn back for shore
or keep swimming.

Inspired by David and Rob.
And I’m intending incommensurate and inordinate here to be read in the old/mathematical sense of disorganised, not fitting properly into an array.


Filed under poem

sea cravings

All night the wind has roared
rolling through the trees
with a sound like waves,
and I wake with a sea-craving.
So I pour a handful of cowries
from the abalone shell where they have nestled,
since the last was added two summers ago.
Rubbing my thumb
across a smooth domed back,
the ridges of its aperture,
I remember the touch of salt water,
its smell and taste,
and try to hold it inside me
as it wells in my eyes.


I am grateful that we’ve been so little affected by covid compared to others, even in Australia, but I so miss the sea. 


Filed under poem

elementals III: ray

A dark shadow flies towards me –
too fast, too much intent
for another clump of seaweed.

Passing close, the ray pays me no heed,
as it soars below, rippling as it sweeps past. Continue reading


Filed under poem

100 miles inland

The wind in the trees roars like waves
rising and breaking, tumbling,
rolling onto sand,
and ebbing away. Continue reading

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