fledgling II: kookaburra

For weeks they have circled the clearing,
pausing at each compass point
to claim their territory with a raucous laugh,
defining its borders with their mirth.

Now with a hoarse uncertain chuckle –
soft grace notes dropped into their song –
their duet has become a trio,
and their joyous laughter fills the forest.


Filed under poem

14 responses to “fledgling II: kookaburra

  1. Love the image your poem gives me! This year it was Blue Jays for us😊

    • Thanks Al. 🙂 I like spotting the various fledglings through spring into summer. Some, like the kookaburras and cockatoos, you can only tell by their call. Other have juvenile camouflage colours. I’ve never seen blue jays, other than in pictures.

  2. The last comment confirmed your location Kate. I am also in Australia. Semi-rural area. Heard kookaburras today nearby and a surprise visit of from a koala….

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